Contact Us

Monday Musical Club, a non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization. Its business meetings include a member-led Board of Directors governed by its Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws under Robert’s Rules of Order and parliamentarian procedures.

Let's Connect!

Monday Musical Club, Inc. is a club for the performing or aspiring musician, music educator, and music enthusiast. Connect with us today!

Monday Musical Club, Inc, 2024-2025 Board
Michele Armstrong, President  

Melody Prather, Vice President  
Nancy Wenstrand, Secretary
Kim Shelton, Treasurer 
Mary Alice Brunner, Immediate Past President 
Kurt Armstrong, Finance Chair                                        Linnea Berg, Grants Chair
Deanna Popielarz, Concert Series Chair 
Candace Onweller, Student Club Advisor 
Mary Ann Percoco, Student Club Advisor 
Alexandra Lee, Student Club Advisor                                Melody Prather, Scholarship Chair 
Karla Hake, Media/Communications Chair 
Marilyn Schaefer, Membership Chair

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Promote, Encourage, and Develop the Performing Arts

MMC objectives include creating an understanding and appreciation of the value of music in the home, community, nation, and world.