Monday Musical Club Chorus
The Monday Musical Club Chorus is a group of women who love to sing in a choral setting. View our December 1, 2024 Vesper Service using the button below.

Our women's chorus, established many decades ago, has performed locally and all over the state. Should you have an interest or know someone who may have an interest please contact our Membership Chairman, Marilyn Schaefer at
Chorus Meetings
The MMC Chorus prepares two programs per year:
Rehearsals for the annual vespers service begin in October. The Monday Musical Club Annual Candlelight Vesper Service is held the first Sunday afternoon in December. The chorus performs seasonal compositions including a sing-along of Handel’s Messiah “Hallelujah Chorus.” Area professional and aspiring artists’ performances round out the music program. The annual vesper service is open to the public as a gift to the community. Free will offerings are donated to the Good Fellows Fund.
Rehearsals for the spring concert begin in March for performance at the June Community Concert. Seasonal, musical theatre, gospel and classical compositions are performed.
Members of Monday Musical Club are eligible to audition prior to the beginning of each program rehearsal season. Contact the Monday Musical Club Audition Chairman for dates, times and locations. There is one required audition composition; however, we encourage you also perform a composition of your choice to show your range and style.
Rehearsals are currently held on Monday evenings.
Monday Musical Program
December 15, 2023

Promote, Encourage, and Develop the Performing Arts
MMC objectives include creating an understanding and appreciation of the value of music in the home, community, nation, and world.