Student Club Registration

Fill out the form below to register for Student Club, which meets the third Saturday in September through November and January through April at The Whitcomb, 509 Ship Street, Saint Joseph, MI at 10:30am.

Register Now

Please fill out the form below to register online or click here to download the PDF form.

Please note: Student’s parent is required to be an adult member of Monday Musical (separate adult registration form and payment required) 

Registration information will be used for club records, recital programs, meeting reminders, and other necessary communication and will not be used for solicitation or services outside of Monday Musical Club. 

"*" indicates required fields

Student Name*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Parent / Monday Musical Club Member Name*
NOTE: Monday Musical’s Student Club utilizes a CLOSED Facebook Group (Monday Musical Student and Junior Club) for announcements, streaming meetings, etc. which requires persons to register individually. Photos/videos taken at Student Club events may be used in publicity materials and streamed to our CLOSED Facebook page. Should a member/guest not want their photo/video used they must notify the registration desk when they arrive.
Monday Musical Has Permission to Phone/Text/Email My Child for Student Club Notices
Emergency Contact Name*
American Express
Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa


Please contact us with any questions.

Promote, Encourage, and Develop the Performing Arts

MMC objectives include creating an understanding and appreciation of the value of music in the home, community, nation, and world.